Skin Health | Creams and Mesotherapy

  • Injection cocktail of vitamins, minerals, HA

  • Improves, youthful and elasticity in the skin

  • Refill, restore and stimulate the skin

Ready to Rejuvenate?

Call Angela on

01684 566789

When we think that the skin is the largest organ in the body, it makes sense to look after its health.

Whilst Botox® and fillers can make a real difference, they work and look best with optimum quality skin.
The benefits of optimising skin health

  • Prevention – minimise the risk of of lines, wrinkles and pigmentation occurring in the future, as well as more serious problems such as skin cancer.
  • Improvement – Skin is smoother, plumper, more elastic with even tone.
  • Synergy – The results of other treatments, such as botox and fillers are optimised.
  • Cost saving – Judicious investment in your skin now can save money later

To win the battle of collagen formation requires a two-pronged approach. We need to use ingredients which are proven to stimulate collagen formation in the deeper layers of skin, whilst at the same time using others that limit collagen destruction.

We also need to address the upper layers of skin – the epidermis. This not only makes the skin feel smoother and look fresher, it optimises its most basic property – the barrier function. With this achieved, you will lose less moisture whilst preventing access to irritants.

Topical (creams) and injectable (mesotherapy) are options which really do make a difference, not only under the microscope but also in the mirror.


Neostrata Skincare

Is hyaluronic acid in creams good? What about collagen? We cut through the marketing, using science and a tailored approach to achieve objective results.  We primarily use the Neostrata range of skin-care, utilising the latest science to achieve results in a way that is convenient for you.

Download the Neostrata brochure



Creams are important, they have the ‘DIY’ advantage of convenience and continuous use. However, the best creams are limited by what can be included in it, and how deep it can penetrate. By contrast, the brand of mesotherapy we use takes beneficial ingredients to the next level. With over 60 different ingredients, including vitamins and minerals, proteins and hyaluronic acid, amongst much else, it is second to none in promoting skin health. Furthermore, because it is licensed for injection, we don’t have to worry about
We use the Aesthetic Dermal RRS range of mesotherapy. Designed to Repair, Refill, & Stimulate.


Creams: £30 to £55

Mesotherapy: £80 – £100


Recovery Time

Redness fading to soft pinkness within 24 hours.

Occasionally, light flaking skin after 48 hours.

Procedure Time

15 to 30 minutes

Results Duration

This depends on how well your skin is cared for – your lifestyle and use of topicals.

We recommend maintenance treatments at 6 monthly intervals.

Mr A Rankin RegenixMr Andrew Rankin

Andrew not only has the knowledge and experience to achieve the result you’re looking for, he takes the time and care to listen and to understand. For continuity of care, you will always be seen by Andrew so that you can be confident of the same high standards consistently.
Andrew is at the forefront of the industry in terms of standard setting for education, for clinical practice and ultimately for patient safety in cosmetic medicine.

Our clients most common questions

But do creams really work?

Creams are crucial in preventing damage, and we at Regenix believe that prevention is better than a cure. Rigorous use of an appropriate regime will also improve skin quality – it can take a while, a few months at least (though you will notice superficial improvement sooner).

I’ve used these creams before and I get flaky skin/breakouts.

Using products as directed rarely causes problems. As a rule, breakouts or dry, lightly flaking skin means that the cream is doing its job. Carry on using the products and you will work through it quickly.

Why should I get my products from you when I can get them off the internet?

I would say 3 things:

  • We like to provide value for money and are competitive with internet prices.
  • We provide advice and samples before you use them.
  • If you do buy from the internet, try to be sure that products are genuine.
Does mesotherapy hurt?

A combination of pain control (e.g. topical local anaesthetic) and changing the injection technique in response to your feedback means that it should be well tolerated.

Does mesotherapy cause bruising?

Like any injection, yes, it can do. We can alter techniques to minimise the risk where this is a particular concern.

Can mesotherapy be used to target specific problems

Yes, there are a range of products with different ingredients for specific indications e.g. pigmentation, treating around the eyes, cellulite and hair loss.

I’m pregnant/breastfeeding, can I have Mesotherapy?

Sorry, no. The risk is unknown since no research would ever be undertaken on pregnant or breastfeeding women. Medical ethics dictate therefore that it is not a risk worth taking.

Special Occasion?

angelaWhether it's a wedding, holiday or a big social event in the diary, at Regenix we understand how important it is to feel at your best. We would love to speak to you about an individualised treatment plan to help you prepare for that special occasion.

Call Angela on 01684 566 789 or send her a message, just click here to open our contact form and let her know what you have planned.

Would you like to talk to Mr Andrew Rankin in person?

He would be more than happy to sit down with you and cover which treatments would be best for you, simply click the link below and we will get you booked in for a free consultation.

Regenix Facial Rejuvenation